EngelsmannPeters GmbH

Mensa Martin-Luther-School

Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt

The Martin Luther School in Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt is a four- to five-part primary school, which has been operated as an all-day school since the school year 2015/2016. In this context the extension of the dining area became necessary. The new building with a usable area of approx. 430 m² was erected as a cubic solid structure made of reinforced concrete in the immediate vicinity of the school building. The rectangular dining room is flanked on two sides by a two-storey L-shaped area, which accommodates secondary uses. The main supporting structure is formed by wall-like girders with large glazed openings in the dining room area. The column-free dining room is spanned by a ribbed ceiling. The cantilevered canopy is designed as a steel construction made of welded hollow sections.

The foundation was designed as an elastically bedded beam grid. The advantage of this construction method lies in the comparatively low costs, since a cost-intensive deep foundation can be dispensed with if the ground is poor and heterogeneous.


state capital Stuttgart

Our service

Structural design LP 1-6, 8


harris + kurrle architects

Planning and construction

2015 - 2019


Roland Halbe


Engelsmann Peters

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