EngelsmannPeters GmbH

Parish hall of St. Josef


The new building of the community hall with floor plan dimensions of 16 x 31 m is executed in jointless reinforced concrete construction. The ceiling slabs of the three-storey building are supported by reinforced concrete walls, beams and columns. The formation of wall-like girders made it possible to construct a large community hall without columns and to realise a projecting corner of the building above the entrance area in an economical way. The building is stiffened by a sufficient number of longitudinal and transverse walls. The basement is designed in WU construction due to the presence of ground water. The foundation was carried out on an elastically bedded base plate, so that despite the unfavourable ground conditions, a deep foundation with bored piles was not necessary. The building is equipped on the outside with a thermal insulation composite system, whose plastered surface gives all parts of the building a uniform appearance and also reflects the monolithic character of the construction on the facade.


Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart / Catholic parish St. Josef

Our service

Structural design LP 1-6, 8


harris + kurrle architects bda

Planning and construction



2040 m²


Antje Quiram

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