Studios for master students of the Faculty of Architecture were set up in the attic of the two side wings of the "Alte Technik", a central building of Graz University of Technology. The studios with a usable area of approx. 400 m² are accessed via the existing staircases. In addition, an elevator was extended to the attic floor and an additional elevator was installed in the east wing of the building.
Since the reconstruction required interventions in the existing structure, a comprehensive as-built analysis of the existing roof structure was first carried out. Based on the results, retrofitting measures were developed and the necessary structural analyses were carried out in accordance with current standards. Thanks to realistic modelling based on current research results, the reinforcement measures could be implemented in a targeted manner and kept to a minimum.
The as-built analysis included a status assessment of the structure and its connections. Based on a load arrangement adapted to the new use, the effects on the existing components and carpenter node connections were analysed. Reinforcement measures for the supporting structure and the connections were developed on the basis of the knowledge gained from the structural analysis and the stability of the existing structure was verified by means of a three-dimensional beam model. The flexibility of the carpenter's wood joints was also taken into account.
The new use required, among other things, the installation of a floor construction above the existing wooden ceiling construction. The new floor consists of steel girders running parallel to the bundle beams, between which a layer of wooden beams stretches. The supports of the floor construction in the side walls as well as in the middle wall were newly created in the form of a closing grating and manufactured in in-situ concrete construction. For the roof extension, insulation between the rafters was provided. Generous window areas have been integrated into the roof surfaces for lighting. The roof structure was largely retained in its original form, only some adjustments had to be made to accommodate the necessary rooms for access and sanitary facilities.
BIG - Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft, Austria
Structural design LP 2-6
Zengerer planning
2016 - 2017
900 m²